Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stover-Chapter 7

I chose the Wolfschmidt's Vodka advertisement as the one to talk about for chapter 7. I think it's an interesting approach for an alcoholic beverage ad. Most alcohol ads have mostly naked women and sports or beaches or party environments. I think this is a nice change of pace, but I also think it's deceivingly clever... At first glance, all you say is the bottle and the tomato. I think this triggers the reader into fooling themselves by seeing these two things side by side because one is healthy and the other is very unhealthy. By combining these two elements either in the drink or just mentally in their head, I feel like it can psychologically trick people into thinking oh hey this looks refreshing or healthy. I think there is too much text in the advertisement though; it's barely readable from afar but that might be the point. 
I chose this ad to compare because they both contain fruit elements alongside alcohol. In this one, it says, "the new taste of temptation", and shows a snake with the shape of a pear in its stomach. I feel like this ad has some sort of psychological trickery involved as well; by seeing the bottle of alcohol and the pear inside the snake, it is implied that the alcohol is the pear, which would be refreshing and healthy. But again, it is not healthy and two opposite things are associated together. I think these are both clever ads in that sense, it seems directed toward a different type of audience.

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