Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spoof Ad Concepts- Hannah Schober

My first idea for a spoof ad is a spin off of the game Angry Birds and making it into angry Nerds. It would be a game geeks and nerds could play to vent their frustration at Jocks and others who push them around. They could select a group to target (football players, cheerleaders, etc), and pick their player (balls with geek faces) and bombard the opponent for points. It could be a Facebook game, a phone app, or a magazine ad. The only problem is some gamers have made apps on this concept before. I'd have to make sure it's different.

My second idea is a spoof of beer brands that add horse gelatin as a filler to their beer. Leinenkugel is one of them. There would be a headline reading, "Leinenkugel Horsey Weiss" and a tagline, "And you thought all beer was VEGAN" or show a horse without hooves and say "It's not like they need them or anything". Maybe I'd add a picture of a horse trying to squeeze into the bottle, but I'm not sure how I'd shoot that on my own. Or I could try and find a way to incorporate the horse in the suds of the beer, since they use the gelatin as a clarifying agent. It could be a print ad and a billboard ad.

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