Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dan May Reflection - Dan Kozerski

What I found to be most valuable from Dan May’s presentation really builds off of the question that I asked him at the end. I found his fearlessness among many different mediums of design to be really inspiring. Often times I get really ambitious and have these big plans in my head, during the drafting process. However, when I try to actually complete the idea it doesn’t turn out how I had pictured it in my head, which can be extremely frustrating. May showed me that, with enough hard work, research, and patience, you shouldn’t ever have to contain your ideas to fit your skill set. I think, often times, designers can be too careful, which can hold them back, while those who take risks grow more. That said, I think it was also important that he mentioned failure in the context of clients. I think that’s also good information to be aware of.

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