Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lenckus Chapter 5

(((This wasn't the original ad, but the visual was the same )))
The ad that caught my attention the most and that I enjoyed was the EPA "I feel like a fish with no water" print ad. I felt that this simile was successful in the simplicity of the message: How children suffer from asthma because they can't breathe. Relating this to nature without the gore of suffering, the ad was clean and very affective. Image wise, I felt that having the fish with just tiny bit of water conveyed the idea of death and pain, while the text made you really sympathize with the poor little kid because he was very honest and to the point with how he felt. I feel that audience members could paint the picture in their minds, and almost empathize with this type of copy. I know a variety of people who suffer from Asthma, and they have days where they literally feel like it is their last, concerning how terrible they feel. This ad conveys the message and provokes the audience to seek out to help those in need.

Dana Lenckus

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