Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Paul Latka CH 1. Response

Chapter 1:

The advertisement that really stood out to me in chapter 1 was that of the volkswagen beetle.To start of, the ad is very simple, the only focus on it is the beetle that is off to the top left hand side of the page. The ad does a very good job at making the car seem smaller than it actually is, due to all the white space around it. Finally, when someone looks at the bottom of the page they final get the details they need of the car, company, and some of the equipment that comes with the car. I feel like because of this ad, people have certain concept of what a beetle is; small, round, compact etc.

A recent car ad that came out a few years back that is the complete opposite of the volkswagen ad is the hummer ad that I remember seeing around a few years back. The main image in this advertisement is the planet earth, and on top of it there is text that says “Hummer, Like Nothing Else”. This ad makes the car seem massive and and tries to get the point across that its larger than life. I feel like this ad fits perfectly for the car because when people think of Hummer they think that its; big, bulky, gas guzzling, etc. And where beetle had a tiny car on a white canvas, this ad doesn’t even show the car but people know that it is big. I chose this two opposites because I thought it was interesting to see the two different advertising styles for two different cars.

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