Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ally Geoffrey's Spoof Final

For my project, I created a print ad spoofing Verizon Wireless by changing the name to Verizon Wirelost. My objective was to make fun of the poor cell phone service and dropped/lost calls that tend to happen with the network. I am a Verizon Wireless network user and have experienced the poor service first hand. The ad is titled “Can you hear me now? What?!” by Allysen Geoffrey completed on April 30th. I created my logo in Illustrator and created my background with buildings and fire I found online in edited it Photoshop. It was too difficult to have a photoshoot and recreate an angry crowd, so the mob is made up of angry people I found online and added some torches to the mix. 
a.) My target audience is 18-45 year old men and women since they are the primary cell phone users. Also, the older adults usually control what network and plan they’re on which controls what plan their kids and other family members are on and depend on a good, reliable network. The format is a print ad in People Magazine so it reaches a variety of viewers. My second format  will also be print ad but on a Billboard. The ad doesn’t have very much text so it is pretty simple and to the point which is the purpose of a Billboard.
b.)Verizon Wireless ads typically depict the Verizon Wireless Guy surrounded by smiling and supportive network users, however my ad contains not so happy users.  My main subject is of the Verizon Wireless Guy being chased by an angry mob of users who are fed up with dropped calls and bad service. 
c.) Overall, the print ad is fairly simple. The curve of the crowd and gradient from small to large lead the viewers eye to VW Guy, who is a recognizable figure with Verizon, and the short tagline. I created my logo in Illustrator and created my background with buildings and fire I found online in edited it Photoshop. It was too difficult to have a photoshoot of an angry crowd, so the mob is made up of angry people I found online and added some torches to the mix. 
d.) As I mentioned, I am a Verizon Wireless network user and have experienced the poor service first hand. My brother and I have both experienced software issues and needed replacements within the first year. Without a doubt, my cell phone drops calls in the student center and I rarely get service in the library, labs, or other office buildings. I miss text messages because they come hours late. This ad is a way of showing mine and many others frustration with Verizon Wireless.
Being my first design class, I am very impressed with my classmates work! Many of their spoof names are clever and their editing work is even better. I really appreciated everyone’s feedback during our critiques.
e.) I used one of the old Verizon Wireless “Can you hear me now?” ads as a guide. I tried to keep my ad simple, but didn’t want to copy the plain white background and I am a little nervous that my ad is a little too cluttered. We discussed in class that sometimes less is more. Finally, I wanted to recreate the “network” because they represent me and the other dissatisfied network users. 
f.) It was the day we shared our very first spoof ad ideas. I had no clue what I was going to spoof and was getting concerned. After class I called my brother to see if he had any good ideas when his call got lost. That’s when I decided to do Verizon Wirelost. 
g.) My purpose is to bring attention to the poor and unreliable service of Verizon Wireless and illustrate users frustration and irritation toward the network. 
h.) I think I tried my best on this project and given my lack of Photoshop/Illustrator experience, I think I was still able to get my idea across. My weakness was definitely lack of experience but at least now I have some for our next project. 

Here is where I got my inspiration for Verizon Wirelost and the network users.

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