Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Callebert Final Spoof Ad

Katie Callebert
Final Spoof Ad
  5-hour EXTEND Your-Binge (5-hour Energy)

Print Ad - Parade Magazine
Ad on back of bus

 Logo Changed

Reflection Essay

My print ad would appear in Parade Magazine. I receive the Parade Magazine every Sunday with the Chicago Tribune and thought this would be a perfect choice for my subject. I chose to spoof 5-hour Energy, energy shots. I changed the name into 5-hour EXTEND Your-Binge. The purpose would be that if a person is binging on crack cocaine, and has to go to work, or school they can extend their binge for five more hours.  I wrote this explanation to go along with the print ad, but I chose not to include it.

Have you just arrived at an abandoned building to realize you are out of sweet, sweet crack, and you are late for work?!
Well, there is no time to shoot over to the west side to turn a trick, to get money to comp.  Something has got to get you through the day. That something my friend is 5-hour EXTEND Your-BINGE. Guaranteed to create that manic psychotic state of euphoria that enables you to drag yourself through the motions at the office.

I recreated the 5-hour Energy logo and bottle to match my spoof idea. In addition both of my ads are inspired by real 5-hour Energy ads. I used a orange, yellow, red, and black color scheme which matched the actual logo and bottle.  Both ads have a black background, and a red border. Also, I have used the font Impact throughout my ads. I believe the fact that I used the same colors and design features brought a unified look to my ad.

I do not drink 5-hour energy, but have heard that many people take them when they go out so they can have more energy and stay out longer. I just took this concept and exaggerated it and brought it to the next level, hoping to make it comical.

I am hoping that the comical relief came across in my ads and that the crack head on my print ad looked as creepy and grungy as I intended. In addition I did try to create a unified design with the colors and fonts. I spent several full days on this project and I really tried to make it successful. I spent a great deal of time on the details, and I am also hoping that came across.

When I saw the ideas of my classmates I knew I wanted to expand my ideas and do something that was not similar to the other projects. I saw many good ideas and I am eager to see the completed projects.

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