Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nick - My Life in Advertisement (Ideas)

Reflecting on the exercise we did in class last week, it hadn't really dawned on me the level in which I interacted with branded products. I mean, not to say that I'm not conscientious of what I buy because I do have particular tastes, but I was interested by how I was able to think of the exact products I use on a daily basis. Growing up I always read magazines because they're visually stimulating. Advertisements always caught my eye and honestly, that's what turned me onto pursuing advertising as a career. I'm not talking about the run of the mill carbon copy ads that feature: product + copy. I'm talking about the really unorthodox ads that have strong design that really stops you in your tracks and makes you look at it in admiration. These are the ads that create that desire to want whatever it is no matter what it is. A lot of my favorite ads that have stuck with me throughout the past use photography as a medium, and I personally like using photography in my work. Here are some examples:
a collage I keep on my walls of random images that showcase photography styles that I appreciate

This is from an Absolut: Level campaign that ran several years back

Terry Richardson's photography is something aesthetically appealing to me 
D&G ads are always strong with their group shots because they tell  multiple narratives making this ad very dynamic.

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