Tuesday, May 8, 2012

LENCKUS Social Media Brainstorming Ideas

1) Weather Channel + Fashion Blog+ Your own closet

Customize your own outfits based upon current weather conditions. Unlike the current application, Swackett, there are much more options in this application that I am creating: Name yet to be determined.
1) Upload your outfits with keywords and characterize it by weather and tags
2) link the style that you like to specific blogs, where the app will pull the characeristics and patterns together to follow your specific style
3) Check daily weather conditions, where the app will present options on what to wear based upon the weather conditions for the day.

4) Premium version will also be a beauty predictor, so your styles and looks will coinside with outfits and is appropriate with the weather (humidity for sensitive/overacting hair)

5) Sync with calendar so your weather+fashion app will work successfully with your busy day, so you are dressed appropriately and comfortably.

The target audience for this app would be for young adults who have strenuous schedules and try to dress for a variety of responsibilities (student, internship, work, and hanging out). I think that from the class suggestions, the girls are much more responsive to this app, because let's face it, boys typicaly just throw on some jeans and a nice shirt and they are good to go. Plus, they are much more weather tolerant because of their particular styles.

After being inspired by some social media posts with my cousin, I realized that she started her running career years after most of my peers who endure in half marathons and runnning in general. At her age of 30's, my cousin has found the love of running an adventurous part of her day, and it's keeping her fit, healthy, and strong. Targeting people over the age of 35, I wanted to use social media to promote the activity for adults, who typically are overly concerned about the health of their children and neglect themselves. It's the "Do as I say, not as I do" principle that I am trying to mock here, and implement the powerful, hip, and successful brand of Nike to appeal to the older generations.

As you see, the image of Nike is targeted toward the young, able-bodied individuals and I want the strength, power, and inspiration to appeal to older people as well. 

 I feel that the best place to promote this type of social media campaign of NIKE CONTINUE would be in LinkedIN, where there are a great deal of professionals, people who are in the work place, who want a more "pro" interface of social media. Some older demographics feel that Facebook is too "young" for them to be on, and usually just have a Linked In profile. So, I think that that is a great place to target, as well as applications for statistical gathering, such as NIke Plus or Enomondo, which are running applications.

I want to research more places on where middle-age fitness is prevelant, and see what other social media is out there presently.

Dana Lenckus


  1. I really like both ideas! I think that the weather-fashion one is a lot stronger for this campaign purpose. I like the Nike idea, but think that it is too well known and that they have so many campaigns that it would be fun to go with your own. I love the direction you're going, and you seem to have a lot of great aspects to the app already!

  2. I like the weather fashion idea. Maybe you could connect it to facebook so people could, instead of tagging photos, they could select items of clothing they wear from their posted pictures, to make the process of uploading their wardrobe easier. Otherwise, they might be sitting there uploading for a while...:-)

  3. I agree with Bri, you should focus on the weather-fashion app over Nike because it seems more original. Nonetheless this seems like a really useful app for a certain target group. Your ideas seem great and I want to see where this goes.

  4. I LOVE the fashion/weather idea. It seems easy to use which is key. This app seems like a fun way to look at new clothing trends that work specifically for where you live. I also like how there is an option to explore different styles that may not necessarily be your own.

  5. Im into the weather-fashion app. This has huge potential for interaction between users b/c people can input their personal accounts of what the weather is really like versus just relying on the app's description of outside conditions. I would stick to this one.

  6. I like the first idea. You could easily have a rotating feature with different companies, creating many different partnerships. This rotation could also be based on seasonal apparel.

  7. I love the fashion/weather Idea! Another 'premium' option could be a makeup factor with humidity/rain-- when it's really rainy you may want to wear waterproof mascara, or if it's really humid powder instead of foundation.. just an idea.

  8. I think that's a really interesting idea to promote the exercise campaign on LinkedIN. It's a great hub for professionals so it'd be a perfect place to promote something for that audience. I like your weather fashion idea but I'm a little confused on all the different aspects of it. I think seeing it visually would help to clear that up.

  9. I love this idea... I would totsss download and use this app for sure.... at least for an idea of what to wear that day even if I dont post frequently my outfit... but for a variety of different outfit ideas and how some people like to dress for summer sooner than others aka me this would be cool.

  10. I think both ideas are great. I'm a little more interested in the weather/clothing app simply because I feel that it would be slightly more popular, but the Nike one is really good too. I could see a lot of people getting into browsing what types of clothing they should wear corresponding to the weather for the whole day.

  11. I really like the idea of the weather clothing app. To add to what Becky was saying it would be awesome to receive text alerts on your smart phone, such as "Light jacket this morning, but you wont need it after 1pm." Or it is going to rain to bring an umbrella and DO NOT wear your TOMS!" This is a reminder I could have used multiple times.
