Monday, May 21, 2012

TEN49 Social Media Campaign- Bridget Pasapane

I have decided to do a social media campaign for Ten49 which is a production company founded by three of my best friends; Vadim Basin, Nick Taseff, and Jeremy Gruszka. These guys do it all, they host, they promote, and they even throw down hard and spin their own tracks. As they are looking to expand and continue to grow I felt they are the perfect company to create a social media campaign for. I tried out all different types of medium here starting with their facebook page. I constructed a stream of posts that will also fit perfectly for their website/blog page. I also created a mock up of what an events page would look like on their website with the upcoming and past events they have already done. I decided to go with a clean simple look to the page, very straightforward and not a whole lot going on. As the site comes into existence I was told they want almost everything to be on the home page including contact info, external links etc. They only wanted a few tabs with the main categories and wanted it to be easy to navigate. In addition I made promotional business cards, two highlight contests and giveaways and one is a straightforward promotion for the company. I mocked up what a facebook advertisement of theirs will look like and added foursquare too. They can do giveaways through foursquare for the number of times people check in to various concerts and shows in the area that Ten49 promotes and even win the TEN49 badge. Because the Ten49 boys also DJ I created an ad on sound cloud with a promotion to be the 1049th listener. Ten49 currently promotes for the bar LINKIN HOUSE so I incorporated event posters as well. Finally they are throwing my 21st birthday bash so I came out with event flyers for that too! This was a really interesting project because there are just so many different mediums and so many variations of ways they can be used. Hopefully these can all be used down the line from now when they grow larger and larger. There is still so much more to be done especially on creating the website but everyone has to start somewhere and I think I gave Ten49 a pretty decent jump-start. Now with an aesthetic in mind the rest of the website will be easy to create and expand from.    

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