Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Nick - Final

For my final I wanted to create something that captivated the core of what makes me want to work in advertising. Truly good advertising to me is something that goes beyond the persuasion of making someone want to buy a good or service, but it is something that is compelling enough to make the consumer change themselves because there is a new need that is manifested within them. Personally speaking, I am a very visual person and I find the most effective advertisements to be ones that are distinct in how they appear. Distinction in the art world is paramount and advertising design is very much an art form. I mentioned before that I come from a photography background and originally I was going to do a photography piece for my final but I decided that I wanted to do something a little bit different. So for my final piece, I did a multimedia piece that integrated photography with graphic design. As far as photography goes, I usually shoot portraits, beauty shots, fashion, etc. I feel that I need to work on still life, so I also wanted to incorporate that into my final since so much of advertising is photographic the product. I am a big fan of San Pellegrino mineral water products therefore, I decided to use that brand as my subject. Looking at other past students' work, I noticed that people went the literal route and incorporated themselves into the ad which is wonderful, but I wanted to do it from a different approach. That being said, I picked an artist/art style that has influenced me and I wanted to pay homage to show how I have drawn inspiration and how I apply it. I think that when someone is invested in the work they're doing, what they present will embody their essence. For the San Pellegrino ad I wanted to channel Alphonse Mucha and his style of Art Nouveau. His works generally feature women therefore I wanted to portray the product in a feminine appeal (hence the use of curves) while juxtaposing it with less feminine colors which would still give it male appeal. To keep things cohesive, I chose typefaces that reflected the era and accented the decals. 

So here it is, my life in advertising..

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