Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dan Kozerski - Final

My concept began with the idea of basing my design/advertisement off of the amount of awareness or alertness I have throughout the day, depending on how my energy fluctuates. More specifically I wanted to convey this idea through the imagery of eyes. I feel like eyes always give off a lot of truth to one's mood, and it's often a great indicator of how tired I am. Running with this idea I found my inspiration in these very cool alternative, vectorized movie posters, which I found online. I found the style particularly interesting because I feel as if my strongest work comes in the form of vectorized illustration. I was excited to begin.

After doing some preliminary sketches, which I imported on my previous post, I began to bring my ideas onto the computer. Initially my designs were flowing easily, until I hit a difficult area. What I had done was laid out a pair of illustrated eyes for each hour in the day. Each pair had a different level of alertness depending on what I was doing at that time. Whether it be nearly closed after just waking up, super wide after drinking coffee, etc. That's when I hit the rough patch. I couldn't quite figure out how to lay them out. There was just too much going on for the simple aesthetic I wanted in these movie posters. They were clever and not overwhelming, and my imagery was becoming more of a comprehensive diagram, rather than a clever movie poster. So, I looked over everything I had created, hoping I could find a particular area to salvage, and work out further. I did.

I realized that there wasn't enough fluctuation to maintain viewers attention, and that was the problem. However, I did notice that the most interesting part was the coffee eyes, so I thought about this. Coupling these thoughts with how I work on design, I realized that coffee plays a big part in my work process. Normally I am lost in this world in front of a computer screen for hours and coffee often fuels me. So, I took this idea and expanded on it. I developed the coffee cup icons, and I came up with a mock movie name - Coffee Break.

I am extremely happy with how the final product turned out and I think it really embodies 'My Life in Advertising,' as this process is a huge part of my life. And, what better way to sell it than a movie? That said, as you look over the poster please notice the details, as there are many. The coffee cups denote the time of day the coffee is consumed, and they correspond with the sun behind them as it changes color on the same timeline. It implies I have three coffees a day to get me through my work process, which is an exaggeration (sometimes), but it helps push the idea. Also, please notice the transitional suns between each cup and how they are filled with coffee. As they get closer to the next cup less and less coffee is inside them. In addition to this, you'll see there are air bubbles within these 'mini suns' as well as within the headline. I'm very proud of these small details. Finally, please notice the spoof name Lot O'Kaufie, who is the mock-producer of the film (Produced by Lot O'Kaufie = Produced by A Lot of Coffee...haha!), and the slight textures. Anyways, I'm very proud of this piece, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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